Sunday, July 03, 2005

A Fortunate Son

(Published in The Age, Sunday July 3 2005.)

The notion of family - and its destructive forces - intrigues Christos Tsiolkas and defines his writing. He speaks with Richard Watts.

Christos Tsiolkas says that he cannot remember the moment when he realised he wanted to be a writer, although apparently his mother does. "Mum told me about this a few years ago, after Loaded came out. I was 10 and we’d been visiting cousins in Northcote. We were waiting at the tram stop to get the tram back into the city when I apparently said to her ‘Mum, I want to be a writer, that’s what I want to do.’ She says she crossed herself," he laughs.

Family memories such as this cast a long shadow in Dead Europe, Tsiolkas’ latest novel. "I think that exploring family history is always going to be a
permanent part of the way I write and explore the world. Not in a family values kind of way; you could never say that about my work," Tsiolkas says wryly, "and in saying that I’m interested in notions of the family, don’t get me wrong: I’m also interested in notions of where the family can be really destructive, too."

Born in Melbourne in 1965, Tsiolkas believes that growing up in an traditional Greek family has been integral in shaping his view of the world, which has in turn shaped the structure of his new book. "One of the things I really loved about growing up the way I did was the notion of the extended family, and that it didn’t necessarily mean blood. It becomes perverted when it only means blood. When it only means blood then you get racism. Then you get exclusions. Then you get those horrors of ‘We’re not going to introduce this person to the family because he’s black or she’s Jewish or he’s gay.’

It is this concept of the monstrous family that coils at the dark heart of Dead Europe, a novel that sets out to explore anti-Semitism through paired narratives: the first written in the taut, first-person prose that Tsiolkas employed so effectively in his debut novel Loaded; the other, in alternating chapters, written in language evoking the atmosphere of fables and fairy tales, and describing a story of murder, myth and nightmare.

Tsiolkas says that he initially envisaged Dead Europe as a work of non-fiction inspired by the civil wars in Yugoslavia in the early 1990’s. "It was going to be me travelling through Europe and writing about that. Then I realised that the last fucking thing the world and Australia needs is another travelogue, and I abandoned that idea pretty quickly." When it came to rethinking the book as a work of fiction, it was his discovery of the suppressed Jewish history of the Balkans that sowed the real seeds of the story he would shape into Dead Europe over the next six years.

Initially cautious about writing about anti-Semitism, Tsiolkas says that ironically it was his upbringing in an Orthodox Christian family that gave him the courage to write the book. "Anti-Semitism was the first racism that I ever learned, but because I’m Gentile, I’m not Jewish, I asked myself, do I have the right to deal with this subject? That led me back to an engagement with a monotheistic god, which is the god of the Jews, and Muslims and the Christians. I realised that I have every right, especially as a gay person, to talk about some of the brutality occurring because of religious belief, and because I grew up in a religious family I feel a sense of legitimacy in being able to write about God."

Isaac, the contemporary narrator of Dead Europe, is like Tsiolkas, the gay son of Greek parents who migrated to Melbourne after the ravages of World War Two and the resulting civil war that plagued Greece throughout the 1940’s. It is through Isaac’s eyes that we explore the poisonous anti-Semitism that has long infected Europe. "As I was working on Dead Europe I realised the way religious belief and racism interact, and I don’t think that’s uniquely European. I think it manifests itself in particular ways in Europe, but it’s also here in Australia."

In his previous novel The Jesus Man, Tsiolkas tried in part to address One Nation and the racist undercurrents of contemporary Australian culture. "I think my project, in terms of my writing, is to talk about racism, to be as ruthless as I can be about examining racism. You look at Loaded, you look at parts of Jump Cuts, they are dealing with racism, with the effects of racism and what it means to realise that you’re a racist yourself. I can’t imagine not writing about these kinds of things."

Audaciously in Dead Europe, Tsiolkas employs the trappings of genre fiction to help him explore the entrenched anti-Semitism that has stalked Europe through the centuries. "I wanted to write a ghost story," he says, "and part of that came with growing up with stories about vampires, particularly from my father, from the village he was born in, which is in central Greece, close to Albania. As a metaphor for blood libel and what racist hate does to people, I thought that the vampire was an interesting mythology to explore in this novel."
The form of vampirism he explores is also a metaphor for globalisation. "With the entry of Greece into the European Union, there are some benefits that have come to the Greek people; but alongside that comes a homogenisation of culture, a destruction of the soul," he says. "The vampire is a metaphor for the way globalisation works in terms of making us all the undead."

Having visited Greece twice while writing the novel, Tsiolkas explains that he became aware of an older Greek culture, one concerned with the enjoyment of life and extended notions of community rather than consumption and excess, that was slowly disappearing as a result of Greece becoming increasingly Westernised. In part Dead Europe is a threnody for this loss. It is also, he says, "a novel that explores what happened to a European peasant culture as it was brought screeching and howling into the modern age in a very short space of time through the catastrophes of the 20th century."

Although his past works have sometimes been criticised for their bleak and confronting outlook, Tsiolkas is resigned to the fact that he is unable to be optimistic about the world, given the times in which he lives. "After the continual punches in the face in recent years that were One Nation, John Howard, the war in Iraq, and the horrific, stark choice between extreme terrorism or extreme capitalism, I don’t know how to write a positive book," he laughs sadly. "All I can do is raise questions, and hopefully be a part of a cultural moment where we can talk about ways of going forward."

Tsiolkas has used these most recent years as a time to strengthen his craft.

Using the metaphor of writing as a trade, he explains that his first novel was written during an apprenticeship, and that in the 11 years since Loaded was published he has tried to develop his skills, his style, and the language he employs.

"I’ve learned to get pleasure in writing, to deal with questions of form and style, to test myself a bit if you like, in writing in different ways."

In the intervening years Tsiolkas has also tried his hand at screenplays, including the award-winning Saturn’s Return, based on his original short story, and the short film Thug.

He has also won acclaim for his work for the theatre, including the Melbourne Worker’s Theatre production of Who’s Afraid of the Working Class?, co-written with a group of playwrights including Andrew Bovell and Patricia Cornelius.

While much of his work has been praised, Tsiolkas’ second novel The Jesus Man (published by Random House in 1999) was reviled by some critics. Although he acknowledges that the six years it took to write Dead Europe were in part due to the savaging this previous book received, Tsiolkas says that it was also due to the new novel being a difficult book to write. "The themes I’ve taken on are complex and I wanted to take the time to make Dead Europe the best book I could. Whether I have succeeded, of course, is up to the reader now."

Dead Europe is published by Random House. Non Parlo di Salo by Christos Tsiolkas and Spiro Economopoulos opens at the Trades Hall New Ballroom on July 13.


BORN: Melbourne 1965.

EDUCATED: Blackburn High School and Melbourne University.

PUBLICATIONS: Loaded (Random House, 1995); Jump Cuts (with Sasha Soldatow, Random House, 1996); The Jesus Man (Random House, 1999); The Devil's Playground (Currency Press, 2002); Dead Europe (Random House, 2005); numerous short stories and essays.

THEATRE: Who’s Afraid of the Working Class? (with Andrew Bovell, Melissa Reeves and Patricia Cornelius, 1999); Elektra AD (1999); Viewing Blue Poles (2000); Fever (with Andrew Bovell, Melissa Reeves and Patricia Cornelius, 2002); Dead Caucasians (2002); Non Parlo di Salo (with Spiro Economopoulos, 2005).

SCREENPLAYS: Thug (with Spiro Economopoulos, 1998) Saturn’s Return (2000).

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